Tuesday, April 20, 2010

December 2009


Parent Advisory Council

Executive Meeting

Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Time: 6pm

Location: Mount Pleasant Elementary School Staff Room


Present: Jane Cobbler (Co Chair), Abdul Ahad (Co Chair), Ganga Jolicoeur (Treasurer), Winston Whitlock (Member at Large).

Non Voting Members/Staff (2):  Steve Agabob (Prinicipal), Julia Clark (Special Projects Teacher)

Regrets (3): Lisa Marsh (Secretary), Colleen Browning (Co-Fundraising Coordinator), Jackie Ingram (Co-Fundraising Coordinator).

The meeting was called to order at: 6:05pm by Jane Cobbler.

Previous Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the November 24th meeting were circulated. Ms Cobbler moved to adopt the minutes. The motion was seconded and passed.

Treasurer’s Report: It was determined that Ms.Jolicoeur did not need to submit a report as there has been little financial activity. Ms.Cobbler did provide Ms.Jolicoeur with the bank statements for October/November. Ms.Cobbler reported that $2250 had been received from the Provincial Gaming Account (50% of what had been received in previous years). As of November 30th the general account had a balance of $707.43. On Dec 9 a deposit of  $588 was added. Ms.Cobbler handed in a receipt for the gift that was purchased for Mr.Crecere (exchange teacher from Australia who is returning to his home school) for an approx. value of $118.

Fundraising: Jackie Ingram to report during the PAC meeting. Mr.Agabob announced that approx. $1500 were raised at the Wine Tasting Fundraiser at Lark. In addition Mr.Agabob reminded the executive of the upcoming Tree Chipping and Popcorn Sale at Kingsgate Mall on January 3rd. Volunteers are needed. Proceeds from the event will go to Mount Pleasant Elementary.  A notice will go out to all parents.

Other Business: Julia Clark mentioned that Laurie Cassie, a member of the school board, is willing to offer a talk for parents on the applications and potential of the Smart Board. MTP now has three Smart Boards and accompanying technology. Interest was expressed. Ms.Clark to confirm with Laurie Cassie.

Mr.Agabob noted that the Principal of Van Tech will speak to parents on the transition from primary to secondary at the Jan 19th PAC meeting. Sheryl Palm (former secretary) dropped off the working binders for  the present secretary with Mr.Agabob and forwarded the gaming application to him. This will be forwarded to the Treasurer.


Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm




Parent Advisory Council

Executive Meeting

Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Time: 6pm

Location: Mount Pleasant Elementary School Staff Room

In attendance:

Voting Members (4): Jane Cobbler (Co Chair), Abdul Ahad (Co Chair), Ganga Jolicoeur (Treasurer), Jackie Ingram (Co-Fundraising Coordinator), Winston Whitlock (Member at Large), Raine Forbes, Mary Frances Hill, Kristina Welton Davis, Caroline Capangli, Mauricio Gardone (sp), John Alexander Smith, Cheryl Allan, Walter Le Daca, one other member (name unrecognizable – original attendance sheet kept as a matter of record).

Non Voting Members/Staff (4):  Steve Agabob (Prinicipal), Julia Clark (Project Teacher), Paul Crecere (Division 4), Annabelle Pendry (Teacher Librarian)

Regrets (3): Lisa Marsh (Secretary), Colleen Browning (Co-Fundraising Coordinator)


Guest Teacher: Paul Crecere (Division 4)

Paul Crecere, an exchange teacher from Australia gave a farewell presentation with information on his home school in Canberra Australia; on the notable differences between his home school and MTP and on the wonderful experience he has had at MTP. The presentation was touching and memorable. In addition, Mr.Crecere presented the school with an Australian Aboriginal Art Piece for the office. It is a beautiful piece of Aboriginal point art representing clans and his connection to MTP and the community. PAC, in turn, presented Mr.Crecere with a good bye present and a heartfelt thank you for his time and dedication. Mr.Agabob also said a few words of deep thanks to Mr.Crecere.

Julia Clark announced the reading week in February (Feb 16/17/18) and encouraged all parents to make time to attend this valuable and wonderful program in partnership with UBC. Ms.Clark explained that MTP and UBC have a long standing partnership which includes Reading Week as well as the Literacy Mentor Training Program. Reading week will bring in over 50 volunteers to MTP. The program is in it’s 5th year and its 2nd year as a school wide initiative. The theme this year is sustainability. Each class will create a project based on this theme. One volunteer will be posted to each class to aid and/or lead the project. It is a process oriented, rather than product oriented program culminating in an assembly on the 18th of February. A possible evening event may be announced as well. Ms.Clark was able to secure an Olympic related grant that will help support some of the events around reading week as well as other activities. MTP will hear about the push toward greening the Olympics as part of this grant. Business Object, a company with a strong mission statement about direct community involvement and a specific commitment to MTP will act as project leaders around reading week and other events that Ms.Clark is working on.

Guest Speaker:  No guest Speaker


Fundraising: The wine and cheese tasting event at Lark in December was a wonderful success and raised $1500 for MTP. Ms.Ingram did point out that if the event is to be repeated next year it may be good to find a larger space. The Heritage Hall was suggested as a possible alternative.


Other Business: Jackie Ingram and Raine Forbes shared information about Mt.Pleasant Neigbours.org – a group that has been formed to address the proposed social housing project at Fraser and Broadway. The group is concerned with the size (11 stories being proposed), scope, structure of the proposed housing project and would like the city to hear these concerns. A petition has been circulated and any support that can be given to the process would be appreciated. This is not a push to reject the project as a hole as the group is in support of social housing throughout Vancouver.


School  Report: Mr.Agabob mentioned some of the important events and contributions that were made in December including the Boys’ and Girls’ Club Santa Breakfast, Skating with Santa, Christmas Hampers put together by West Side School for MTP families and the social and Global charity and food bank fundraiser that the students at MTP carried out very successfully in December.

Mr.Agabob announced the new superintendent, Steve Cardwell,  for VSB.

A program for parents, Nobody’s Perfect, will begin in the new year. This is in partnership with Mount Pleasant Community Centre.

Three teacher candidates from UBC have been given extended teaching practicum’s at MTP.

The Super Science Club was discussed and parents were encouraged to send testimonials for the program as a way to communicate it’s positive contribution for participating students.


Adjournment: the meeting was adjourned at ?



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